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I have been married for 6 years now, stay at home with my two wonderful boys (2 1/2 and 5 mo). I also watch 5 other children in their home part time. I cloth diaper both of my boys, using hand knit, by me, wool covers and prefolds. I try and make a lot of our food from scratch and hopelessly fail at keeping house, but I try.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

To stress or not to stress. . . that's the real question.

So how do you decide when to follow the doctors advice, or all the advice of other parents? I know I don't have any followers yet. . . haven't even told a soul that I'm blogging even, but I just have to work this out anyway.

Dizzy (the 2yo) hasn't gained any weight in over 3 months, possibly even longer, since our new doc didn't have his charts in the computer from our previous doc. He actually jumped down on the percentage scale. He went from the 10th percentile to the 5th, his height on the other hand has been 'normal' on the scale, climbing as it should. The doctor, while not wanting me to stress over this whole deal, did impress upon me to check the scale more often on him, offer plenty of high protein and healthy fats and calories. G, as in "Yo G!" (the 2 mo old) on the other hand is in the 75th percentile. Yes, I have been having weird thoughts about pumping milk for Dizzy's sippy cup. . . .

He looks healthy, acts healthy, and other than almost always having a case of the runs is a pretty healthy boy. He goes from not pooping at all to pooping as much as 6 times in two days. Lots of parents are telling me that kids go through stagnant stages in growth and maybe this is one of them. So do I ignore the doctors orders or them? Maybe there's a compromise here. . . . I could let go of the whole deal and just offer him more protein/calorie filled snacks like yogurt and almond butter (peanut allergy here) and not stress about it until we go back in two months for G's 4 mo shots and Dizzy's weight check. Hmmmmmm......... to be or not to be. Stressed that is. I think I"ll check his weight once a week and chart it. I've been toying with the idea of starting a food diary to see what's bothering his tummy so much. Maybe this would help in deciding if he's getting enough calories for his age and activity level. I think that's what I"ll do. I'll offer more food, and stop letting him snack on cereal all day. . . calories and protein are the key here. . . . and chart what he eats and his weight gain. Is this paranoid? Probably. I can't stand being me sometimes. I know I should probably just leave it be, but it's not who I am. It's not something I know how to do.

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