The Sleepy Sheep is my new WHAM business! I'm so excited to start launching products online and going to craft fairs and the like. While I wont be launching anything until after the new year (gotta take care of my kiddo's winter needs first don't ya know!) I'd really like to drum up some excitement over the whole deal!
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About Me
- handknitmama
- I have been married for 6 years now, stay at home with my two wonderful boys (2 1/2 and 5 mo). I also watch 5 other children in their home part time. I cloth diaper both of my boys, using hand knit, by me, wool covers and prefolds. I try and make a lot of our food from scratch and hopelessly fail at keeping house, but I try.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Check out this awesome Giveaway!
The blog post on Life With My Littles is a review on an Aristocrats wool cover. I've never actually used an Aristocrats cover so I can't really tell you any of my experiences. However I can say that the untreated wool used in Aristocrats covers is amazingly soft.
Join the giveaway, have some fun and good luck!
I almost forgot to tell you! There's plenty of time to enter the giveaway!! It ends on May 8th at midnight!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keeping the Daily Routines
Let's start with the water. How many glasses of water would you guess I consume a day? Well, unless you count coffee, hot tea or sweet tea (which are all made with water!!). . . then the answer is 0. Yes, a big, fat, unhealthy 0. Rarely do I drink a glass of water unless I'm dining out or staring at health magazines while waiting in line at the grocery store. So on Saturday I purchased a gallon jug, sliced up an orange and filled it with drinking water. It's pretty good.
Then, because I"m really not getting enough done around the house on a regular basis, I drew up some daily routines. I made one up for Morning, Afternoon and Evening. I did this last week with moderate success. However, when I do all the routines it really makes a difference in the house. Here are the routines:
1. get up, straighten bed Su M Tu W Th F Sa
2. start coffee & bottle Su M Tu W Th F Sa
3. get dressed to shoes Su M Tu W Th F Sa
4. read Bible Su M Tu W Th F Sa
5. reboot laundry Su M Tu W Th F Sa
6. online time Su M Tu W Th F Sa
7. 15 minutes in the zone Su M Tu W Th F Sa
1. Clean up lunch Su M Tu W Th F Sa
2. 5m room rescue's: 3 Su M Tu W Th F Sa
3. Dizzy cleans up boys' room Su M Tu W Th F Sa
4. Set out snack Su M Tu W Th F Sa
5. reboot laundry Su M Tu W Th F Sa
1. Help children clean up Su M Tu W Th F Sa
2. clean up dinner Su M Tu W Th F Sa
3. Plan meals & day
4. reboot and put away Su M Tu W Th F Sa
any laundry
5. set out clothes Su M Tu W Th F Sa
6. dishes/shine sink Su M Tu W Th F Sa
7. declutter 15 minutes Su M Tu W Th F Sa
Just so you know, that looks much nicer on my publication document saved on the computer. It's nice and bright colors, because they make me happy. I didn't include any cute cheerful images, because that just felt cluttered to me. I added days of the week so that I would have something to cross off, and keep tabs on my progress. I printed off 5 sheets and hung them on the fridge. I think three days last week I did really well. The other days. . . Well, not so much.
I really put a focus on what would help the most. I wanted to make the biggest difference with the least amount of work. There is room for tweaking. . . there always will be! Right now you see three times I reboot the laundry. That's because I"m so far behind. . . oh, wait! Not so far anymore! Because I had it as part of my daily routines I did more laundry last week and I'm closer to the top of Mount St Laundry! You'll notice there are things on there that shouldn't need to be listed. Well, it gives me success!! I can cross it off! I put a lot of those on in the morning because I want an encouraging start to my day. I"m going to have to weed through my evening routine and make it a little more easy to succeed at. By the time The Hubs shows up, I"m exhausted and just finishing dinner or thinking about bathing children can send me over edge. I'm not really sure what I want to do about that. I do try and get as much as I can of my evening routine done as early as I can.
You'll notice that in the afternoon the 3yr old cleans his room. That's his toys, his mess, his job. Not anyone else's. My job is to make sure he does it. I don't care if it's perfect (remember housework done improperly still blesses your home!) or spotless. This is just day to day no more than 20 minutes at a time. I also help the children clean up at bedtime. Instead of expecting them to do it on their own, because that would mean Dizzy is cleaning up his and Baby Gee's mess, and that's not fair, I help them out. I also include Dizzy in the room rescues and other chores. If I don't teach him to clean up, I will always be cleaning up after him. I don't even clean up after myself enough to worry about other peoples messes!! So parents: Please for your children's sake, make them pick up their own messes and help out a reasonable amount! You can start this as early as they figure out the concept of 'pick it up' and 'put it in'. That's how I taught Dizzy!
Happy Flying!
I would like to thank a special Flybaby for inspiring this post! Check out her post on making your morning routine enjoyable!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
How to Wash your Woolies ;)
First lets look at the reasons you need to wash your wool.
- It's brand new and needs lanolized
- There is visible biological matter on it (ok, we're all sensible people. . . that would be POOP!)
- They're dirty with plain old dirt!
- The completely dry woolie smells like urine.
- It's been a month or more since you last washed or it just needs to be relanolized.
Step 1: Strip the wool from your adorable baby butt!! Then take a picture because they are just that cute!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
It's Tuesday Again!
The zone this week is the main bath and laundry room. Thankfully our laundry room is pretty neat (thanks to The Hubs!) and the bathroom is fairly decent. The only thing I really need to focus on for either of those is wiping down surfaces and scrubbing the toilet/shower/tub. I"m still not going to be working on my missions for the zones just yet. I think in May, once the zones start over with zone one, I"ll do the actual zone work that's listed, such as decluttering bit by bit and detail cleaning. If I do that for a month, some of the zones will be ready for the daily missions by June ;)
Happy Flying!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
REdiaper Sale and upcoming events!
The morning started off nicely with my parents showing up with fresh Starbucks and the biggest apple fritter on the face of the planet. I was too embarrassed to eat it, because it was THAT big, but it made a great reward for a long month of working on soakers. I met so many nice people who really put a lot of thought and care into what they want touching babies skin! And I thank those that purchased from my booth and look forward to seeing pictures of their little ones sporting their new fluff! There were also some custom orders placed. . . and let me tell you, it is so much more fun looking for sweaters for a specific baby!! I didn't walk away a millionaire by any means but I did get a good start!
Since then I've been real busy getting custom orders ready. One will surely inspire a new product line for The Sleepy Sheep and I look forward to launching that soon! Many of us don't think twice about putting cloth on our babies bums. . . but what if the tables were turned? I plan on writing a post on some woolie options for adults next week!!
Due to some awesome networking going on I have become involved in a giveaway towards the end of April with Brynns Boutique!! I can't wait for that one!! This is going to be the month of giveaways as I plan on donating some to Circle Me for their Earth Day event and the prizes they will be handing out. There are other exciting giveaways coming up soon as well!!